An Overview of the Small Business Emergency Bridge Loan Program of Florida and What It Means for Homeowners and Entrepreneurs

A pile of cement blocks and debris

A pile of cement block scattered on the ground with other debris

The Small Business Emergency Bridge Loan Program of Florida was created after Category 5 Hurricane Andrew in 1992. Since then it has been activated 20 times after disasters hit the state and assisted over 2,700 small businesses across the state with over $63 million in loan assistance. This program is kept active for a limited time and then deactivated until the time the state feels the need to activate it again.Continue reading

Crazy Antics to Avoid During Hurricane Season

Kite surfers surfing in the ocean with waves crashing behind them

Kite surfing in the ocean with waves crashing behind

From “hurricane amnesia” to hurricane parties, too many are taking risks that can only be described as downright crazy. Last October when Hurricane Matthew hit Florida, leading the hurricane parties was Vanilla Ice who vowed to ride out a hurricane 4 with an “extreme weather live-tweeting” gimmick.  Considering that Hurricane Matthew was tagged as the most powerful storm to hit the Atlantic coast in over 10 years and the Governor Scott’s call to evacuate, it was a terrible decision to make for a person with over 800,000 Twitter followers.Continue reading