Improving Your Home with the New Year

Winter Window Installation - Happy New Year

With the new year comes new hope and goals for a better year going forward. Many of us use this time to reflect on the things that we may have overlooked during the last few months of the year such as our health, opting for New Year goals of weight loss and increased activity. You may also be reflecting on your home’s state and wondering how you could improve your home during this time of renewal.

If your New Year resolution included home renovations and repairs, we suggest starting by looking at your home’s windows and doors– two areas often overlooked until there’s a large problem. Your home’s windows and doors play a major role in the security and comfort of your home and family, therefore they should not be overlooked.

Why Focus on Windows & Doors?

Heating and cooling account for more than half of your home’s energy consumption. That means that the majority of your monthly energy bills are a result of how you heat and cool your home. Old, damaged or inadequate windows and doors on your home leave you exposed and vulnerable to the outside elements, home intruders and unwanted pests.

If your windows are in poor condition, you’re throwing money out the window.

When windows get old or damaged, they allow warm air from your heater to escape while allowing cold air from the outside to enter. Because windows account for a sizable portion of your home’s exterior, a large amount of warm air may be lost. This, in addition to making your home cold and uncomfortable, causes your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) unit to work more than it should.

Winter Window Installations

Although window replacement may not be the first thing that occurs to you when thinking of winter home improvement projects, now is the ideal time to repair the energy loss caused by your old and damaged windows. Winter is an excellent season to install new windows, despite the fact that many homeowners think doing so is more of a warm-weather project. Drafty windows and doors can actually become more obvious during the wintertime. The right time of year to replace them is now.

Window Installation in The Off-Season

Winter window and door installation allows you to make the most of a window installation company’s more sluggish season, which may allow you to receive new windows at a lower cost. Winter is an excellent season to take advantage of the special discounts and promotions that some window manufacturers allow installation businesses to provide to their clients.

Because spring and summer are peak seasons for window installation, there are fewer advantages and incentives during those times.

Window Installation Schedule Flexibility

During the winter, while demand is down, window companies also have more scheduling flexibility. This often means that your new windows can be installed much sooner than during the busier installation times. The combination of available installation appointments and smaller workload make the winter time an ideal time to have your new windows and doors installed on your home.

Immediate Energy Benefits of New Windows

In the majority of homes, old windows are the main cause of air leakage. So, one of the biggest advantages of installing new windows is that it will suddenly be much easier to keep the proper temperature inside your home, in addition to enhancing your property’s curb appeal. This translates into increased comfort and a substantial improvement in energy efficiency.

If your windows are leaking air and increasing your utility costs, there’s no reason to put off window replacement until the spring. Your energy efficiency and comfort will immediately and noticeably improve with winter window replacement. You’re likely to see a sizable improvement on your very next electricity statement.

New window and door installations help to increase the insulation of your home. In the winter, this can help to reduce heat loss, easing the process for central heating to keep up with demand. In the summer this can help to reduce cooling loss, making it easier to maintain a comfortable temperature throughout your home, using less energy to do so.

Winter Window Installations Can Create a Better Seal

Summertime in our region of the country means hot, moist, muggy weather. Because of the high humidity, it can be difficult to get a good seal and have the caulk cure quickly enough while replacing windows in the height of the summer season. Additionally, the caulk could even crack if the temperature is 80 degrees or above during installation, in some cases.

Instead, you can have your windows and doors installed while experiencing more comfortable temperatures, which our region experiences in the winter (above freezing but below 80). We have the experience and tools needed to professionally install your new windows, in any season, all year long!

New Windows Increase A Home’s Value

The value of a house can also be increased by replacing outdated, inefficient windows and doors with new, modern ones. This is due to the fact that purchasers are frequently ready to pay extra for homes with efficient features like updated windows and doors and well-maintained structures. New windows and doors also increase a home’s curb appeal which plays a large role in what a potential buyer is willing to pay for a home.

The majority of home improvement projects take some time for the homeowners to see a return on their investment costs. When installing energy-efficient windows, the median return on investment is around 72%. With this in mind, property owners can individually assess whether spending money to replace windows before reselling their home is the wisest investment and if it will provide a high enough return on their initial investment.

Each homeowner must weigh the cost versus their return on investment depending on the kind of window they choose, how many windows need to be replaced, and the installation fees involved in installing their new windows and/or doors. You might decide it’s best and easiest to replace all of your windows and doors at once, because of the return on investment and the coordination of the installations.

Replacing windows in the winter has advantages!

Winter is the perfect season for homeowners to make certain home improvements– like installing new windows and doors– due to decreased expenses, increased comfort, decreased demand and a higher house value. Get peace of mind with East Coast Windows! Call us today at (954) 946-3697 to receive more information about our replacement doors, energy efficient impact windows, and professional installation services-or you can get a free quote by filling out our online form.