Steps after the hurricane

steps after the hurricane

Steps After The Hurricane

At East Coast Windows and Doors, we understand the challenges you face in the wake of a hurricane. Our team is dedicated to helping you restore and protect your home with reliable and professional services. From assessing damage to making necessary repairs, you can count on East Coast Windows and Doors to be there every step of the way. Below you will find steps after the hurricane to follow and help keep you and your family safe this hurricane season.

First Steps: After the hurricane has passed, leaving you with a mix of relief and apprehension. What’s next? Follow these essential steps after the hurricane to ensure your safety and begin the recovery process:


Communicate and Stay Informed

  • Check in with family and friends: Use text messages or social media to conserve battery life and ensure communication, especially if cell service and power are available.
  • Stay tuned to official news reports: Follow area-specific instructions and updates from reliable sources.


Returning Home After the Hurricane and Safety Precautions

  • Wait for official clearance: If you evacuated, return home only when authorities declare it safe.
  • Report hazards: Watch out for downed power lines and report them to local electric authorities immediately.
  • Exercise caution around debris: Keep children away from debris to prevent injuries.
  • Avoid floodwaters: They may be contaminated or have strong currents. Stay out of them and keep vehicles away, as even a foot of fast-moving water can carry a car away.


Home and Property Care Steps After the Hurricane

  • Wear protective gear: Use rubber gloves when cleaning to protect against hazardous substances.
  • Document property damage: Take photographs of any damage for insurance purposes.
  • Perform temporary repairs: Prevent further damage by covering leaks with tarps or broken windows with plastic.
  • Discard perishable items: Throw away food and beverages if power was lost during the storm.


Stay Vigilant

  • Watch for post-storm rainfall: Additional rainfall can worsen flooding or create new hazards.
  • Limit driving: Avoid unnecessary driving, especially in flooded areas, to prioritize safety.


Steps After the Hurricane: Trust East Coast Windows and Doors

At East Coast Windows and Doors, your safety and home protection are our top priorities. We understand the challenges you face after a hurricane and are here to help you recover and strengthen your home against future storms.

Contact us for a free consultation and quote on safeguarding your home.

We’re committed to minimizing damage and ensuring your peace of mind.

During a Hurricane

Hurricane Tips 2024

Hurricane Tips 2024

As hurricane season approaches, it’s crucial to be prepared with the latest hurricane tips 2024. Staying informed and taking proactive measures can make all the difference when a storm hits. Our comprehensive guide on hurricane tips 2024 will help you safeguard your family and property, ensuring you’re ready for whatever the season brings.

Helpful Hurricane Tips for 2024

Experiencing fear during a hurricane is completely normal. However, being well-prepared and occupied can boost your confidence in the safety of your family and home.

Here are some hurricane tips to help you navigate through the storm:

  1. If the hurricane is six hours away from landfall and you’re not in an evacuation area, stay home. Inform your family and friends about your decision to stay put.
  2. Ensure your cell phone is fully charged in case of a power outage. If you have a wireless battery charger, charge it as well.
  3. Close all storm shutters and keep away from windows to avoid potential flying objects.
  4. If you don’t have impact windows or doors, secure shutters on all openings or use plywood to board them up.
  5. Adjust your freezer and refrigerator to the coldest settings to preserve food in case of power loss.
  6. Stay updated on weather forecasts and emergency instructions by tuning in to television or radio.
  7. Keep candles and flashlights with extra batteries handy in case of power outages.

To keep your family occupied during a hurricane this hurricane season, especially if power is lost and you have restless kids, consider these activities:

  1. Read a book individually or have a group story time.
  2. Get creative with shadow puppets and storytelling.
  3. Play classic games like eye-spy.
  4. Prepare an art-and-crafts box in advance with supplies like glue, scissors, construction paper, and more.
  5. Engage in impromptu puzzles where kids choose the words.
  6. Build a fort and color together for a nostalgic activity.

Do you have any quick hurricane tips for 2024 to add to the list? Let us know your thoughts!

Being prepared for a hurricane this 2024 hurricane season and keeping busy can alleviate anxiety during the storm. Knowing that your home is fortified with Impact Windows adds to your peace of mind.

Contact us today for a free quote  and ensure your home is protected while your family stays safe inside during the storm using our hurricane tips for 2024.

2024 Hurricane Season: What You Need to Know

Two hurricane in the ocean. What will the 2021 Hurricane Season bring?

The 2024 Atlantic hurricane season is officially underway, and it’s crucial to be ready for the potential impact of a storm. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), a near-normal season is anticipated, with 12 to 17 named storms, of which 5 to 9 could develop into hurricanes, including 1 to 4 major hurricanes.

What is a Hurricane?

A hurricane is a tropical cyclone with sustained winds of at least 74 miles per hour (mph). Forming over warm ocean waters in the tropics, hurricanes are categorized by their strength, with the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale classifying them into five categories, with Category 5 being the most severe.

Hurricane season in the Atlantic officially runs from June 1 to November 30, though hurricanes can form outside of these dates. Typically, the peak of hurricane season falls between August and September.

To prepare for a hurricane this 2024 season, consider the following steps:

  1. Create a hurricane plan: Decide where you’ll go if a hurricane threatens your area, gather necessary supplies, and establish communication plans with family and friends.

  2. Assemble an emergency kit: Stock up on food, water, first-aid supplies, batteries, and other essentials.

  3. Secure your home: Board up windows, secure loose objects, and shut off water and gas as necessary.

  4. Stay informed: Keep track of weather forecasts and heed advice from local authorities.

During a hurricane, stay indoors and away from windows. If evacuation orders are issued, follow them promptly.

After a hurricane passes, prioritize safety and assess damage cautiously. Avoid returning home until authorities deem it safe, and be wary of hazards like downed power lines.

While the 2024 hurricane season is just beginning, readiness is key. By following these guidelines, you can help safeguard yourself and your loved ones. Contact us today for a complimentary estimate on impact windows to protect your home and family this 2024 Hurricane Season.

2024 Hurricane Resources:

National Hurricane Center

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

Stay safe and trust East Coast Windows for your hurricane protection! this year!


2023 Hurricane Season: What You Need to Know

Two hurricane in the ocean. What will the 2021 Hurricane Season bring?

The 2023 Atlantic hurricane season is officially underway, and it is important to be prepared for the possibility of a storm. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is predicting a near-normal season, with 12 to 17 named storms, of which 5 to 9 could become hurricanes, with 1 to 4 being major.

What is a hurricane?

A hurricane is a tropical cyclone with sustained winds of at least 74 miles per hour (mph). Hurricanes form over warm ocean waters in the tropics and are classified according to their strength. The Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale classifies hurricanes into five categories, with Category 5 being the strongest.

Hurricane season in the Atlantic

Hurricane season in the Atlantic officially begins on June 1 and ends on November 30. However, hurricanes can form outside of this timeframe. The peak of hurricane season is typically between August and September.

What to do to Prepare for a Hurricane This 2023 Hurricane Season

There are a few things you can do to prepare for a hurricane:

Create a hurricane plan.
This plan should include where you will go if a hurricane threatens your area, what supplies you will need, and how you will communicate with your family and friends.

Assemble an emergency kit.
This kit should include food, water, first-aid supplies, batteries, and other essential items.

Secure your home.
This includes boarding up windows, securing loose objects, and turning off the water and gas.

Stay informed.
Monitor the weather forecast and follow the instructions of local officials.

What to do during a hurricane

If a hurricane threatens your area, it is important to stay informed and follow the instructions of local officials. If you are ordered to evacuate, do so immediately. If you stay home, stay indoors and away from windows.

What to do after a hurricane

After a hurricane, it is important to stay safe and assess the damage. If you have evacuated, do not return home until it is safe to do so. If you stayed home, be careful of downed power lines and other hazards.

The 2023 hurricane season is just beginning, but it is important to be prepared. By following these tips, you can help to keep yourself and your family safe. Contact us today for your free estimate for impact windows that can save your home and loved ones, this 2023 Hurricane Season.

2023 Hurricane Resources:

National Hurricane Center

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

Stay safe and trust East Coast Windows for your hurricane protection! this year!

Hurricane Impact Window Ratings Explained

How do you choose the best hurricane impact windows for your house when there are so many on the market? Hurricane impact window ratings are very helpful when researching which impact windows to choose for your home.

In areas like ours, where hurricanes and other severe storms are common, hurricane impact windows are an essential component of home safety. These windows are made specifically to withstand strong winds and flying objects, shielding your house from possible danger and damage. In this article, we will take a closer look at hurricane impact windows ratings and what they represent.

What are Hurricane Impact Window Ratings? 

Hurricane impact window ratings are a system used to evaluate the performance of hurricane impact windows to provide consumers with information about the suitability of the windows for use in specific regions. The ratings are based on the results of various tests that simulate the conditions that occur during a hurricane, including high wind speeds, flying debris, and water intrusion.

There are several different hurricane impact ratings systems used, but some of the most common include: 

Miami-Dade County Approval: The Miami-Dade County Approval is a well-known, widely used rating system across the United States. The Miami-Dade County Approval rating is determined by a variety of tests, including air infiltration, water penetration resistance, and HVHZ impact tests.

Texas Department of Insurance (TDI): The HVHZ impact testing, water penetration resistance tests, and air infiltration tests serve as the basis for the TDI rating system, which is used in Texas.

Florida Building Code (FBC): The Florida Building Code rating system is used in Florida and is based on the results of HVHZ impact tests, water penetration resistance tests, air infiltration tests, and structural integrity tests.

AAMA Impact Resistance Classification: The AAMA Impact Resistance Classification is a system that rates the ability of windows and doors to withstand the impact of wind borne debris during a severe weather event such as a hurricane. The classification system is based on the product’s ability to withstand impacts from a 2×4 piece of lumber, which is representative of the size and weight of wind borne debris.

ASTM International: ASTM International is an organization that develops and publishes international standards for various products, including windows. The ASTM International rating system is based on the results of HVHZ impact tests, water penetration resistance tests, air infiltration tests, and structural integrity tests.

Hurricane impact window ratings are used to measure the performance and strength of impact-resistant windows. These ratings are based on various tests conducted by independent organizations such as the American Architectural Manufacturers Association (AAMA) and the Miami-Dade County Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources.

 The most common ratings used for hurricane impact windows are the Miami-Dade County Approval and the AAMA Impact Resistance Classification. 

Miami-Dade County Approval for Impact Windows

Miami-Dade County is a region in Florida that is highly vulnerable to hurricanes and other severe weather events. As a result, the area has established rigorous building codes for hurricane protection products, including impact windows. Miami-Dade County Approval is a certification that indicates that a product has been tested and approved for use in the region.

The Miami-Dade County Approval impact windows certification requires products to undergo a series of tests that evaluate their ability to withstand hurricane-force winds and wind borne debris. The testing protocol includes both static and cyclic pressure tests, as well as impact tests using a nine-pound, two-by-four piece of lumber traveling at 34 miles per hour.

If a window passes both of these tests, it is considered to be Miami-Dade County Approved and can be used in the high-velocity hurricane zone of Miami-Dade County.

AAMA Impact Resistance Classification

The American Architectural Manufacturers Association (AAMA) provides a standard for rating the impact resistance of hurricane windows. This standard is known as the AAMA Impact Resistance Classification, which ranges from CPA to CW. CPA and CW are rating systems used by the American Architectural Manufacturers Association to evaluate the air and water infiltration resistance of windows and doors.

CPA (limited impact resistance) stands for “Commercial Performance Class A” and is a rating for the air infiltration resistance of a window or door. The CPA rating indicates the product’s ability to resist the infiltration of outside air into a building. Products with higher CPA ratings provide better air infiltration resistance, which can help to reduce energy costs and improve indoor air quality.

CW (high impact resistance) stands for “Commercial Window” and is a rating for the water infiltration resistance of a window or door. The CW rating indicates the product’s ability to resist water penetration into a building during heavy rain or other severe weather conditions. Products with higher CW ratings provide better water infiltration resistance, which can help to prevent water damage and protect building occupants.

Both the CPA and CW ratings are important factors to consider when selecting windows and doors, especially in regions that experience heavy rain or other severe weather conditions. These ratings are determined through testing in a laboratory setting, and products that meet or exceed the minimum requirements are given the appropriate rating.

In addition to the CPA and CW ratings, the AAMA (American Architectural Manufacturers Association) Impact Resistance Classification includes five levels of performance for evaluating the impact resistance of windows and doors. These levels indicate the ability of the product to withstand the impact of wind-borne debris during a severe weather event like a hurricane.

Level A: This is the highest level of impact resistance. Windows with this rating can withstand impacts from a 2×4 piece of lumber traveling at 50 feet per second.

Level B: Windows with this rating can withstand impacts from a 2×4 piece of lumber traveling at 30 feet per second.

Level C: Windows with this rating can withstand impacts from a 2×4 piece of lumber traveling at 25 feet per second.

Level D: Windows with this rating can withstand impacts from a 2×4 piece of lumber traveling at 20 feet per second.

Level E: This is the lowest level of impact resistance. Windows with this rating can withstand impacts from a 2×4 piece of lumber traveling at 16 feet per second.

Impact Windows Rating Tests Explained:

Large Missile Impact Testing for Windows

Missile impact tests are a critical component of the evaluation process used to determine the impact resistance of hurricane impact windows. These tests are designed to measure the ability of the windows to withstand high-speed projectiles, such as flying debris, during a severe storm.

Through a missile impact test, a specific size and weight of projectile, such as a 9-pound 2×4 wood piece, is fired at the window at a specified speed, typically 50 feet per second. The objective of the test is to determine if the window can withstand the impact without breaking or allowing the projectile to penetrate the interior of the home.

The results of the missile impact test are used to evaluate the impact resistance of the windows and to assign a rating or classification. The requirements for missile impact testing vary depending on the region and the building code requirements. Choosing hurricane impact windows that have passed missile impact testing means that you can be confident that your home is protected from the potential damage and harm caused by flying debris during a severe storm.

High-Velocity Hurricane Zone Impact Testing for Windows

High-velocity hurricane zone (HVHZ) impact tests are a crucial aspect of the evaluation process used to determine the suitability of hurricane impact windows for use in regions prone to severe storms and high wind speeds. The HVHZ impact test is designed to evaluate the ability of windows to withstand the high winds and flying debris that are typically associated with hurricanes.

During an HVHZ impact test, the window is subjected to high wind speeds and air pressure, simulating the conditions that occur during a hurricane. The test measures the ability of the window to remain intact and resist penetration from flying debris. The results of the HVHZ impact test are used to assign a rating or classification to the window, which indicates its suitability for use in a high-velocity hurricane zone.

Air Infiltration Testing for Impact Windows

The air infiltration test is a type of evaluation conducted on hurricane impact windows to measure the ability of the windows to prevent air from entering the interior of the home. The test is designed to evaluate the seal integrity of the window and its ability to resist air infiltration, which can result in discomfort and higher energy bills.

Performing the air infiltration test includes a fan that is used to apply a specified amount of pressure to the window. The objective of the test is to determine if the window allows air to leak through, and if so, to what extent. The results of the air infiltration test are used to assign a rating to the window, which indicates its ability to resist air infiltration.

Structural Integrity Test for Impact Windows

The structural integrity test is a type of evaluation performed on hurricane impact windows to measure the strength and stability of the window. The test is designed to evaluate the ability of the window to resist wind pressure and wind-borne debris during a severe storm.

During the structural integrity test, the window is subjected to a series of tests that simulate the wind loads and pressure that can occur during a hurricane. The objective of the test is to determine if the window can withstand the forces without breaking or collapsing. The results of the structural integrity test are used to assign a rating or classification to the window, which indicates its ability to resist wind pressure and wind-borne debris.

Water Penetration Resistance Testing for Impact Windows

The water penetration resistance test is a type of evaluation performed on hurricane impact windows to measure the ability of the window to resist water intrusion during a severe storm. The test is designed to evaluate the seal integrity of the window and its ability to prevent water from entering the interior of the home.

While conducting the water penetration resistance test, the window is subjected to a simulated rainstorm, with water being sprayed at the window at a specified angle and pressure. The objective of the test is to determine if the window allows water to penetrate through the seal and into the interior of the home. The results of the water penetration resistance test are used to assign a rating or classification to the window, which indicates its ability to resist water intrusion.

Choosing the Right Hurricane Impact Windows for Your Home :

When choosing hurricane impact windows for your home, it is important to consider both the Miami-Dade County Approval and the AAMA Impact Resistance Classification. While the Miami-Dade County Approval is specific to Miami-Dade County, it is still considered to be one of the most stringent requirements for impact-resistant windows.

In addition to the impact test ratings, it is also important to consider the type of glazing system used in the windows, as well as the thickness and strength of the window frame. You should also consider the overall quality and reputation of the manufacturer.

Hurricane impact windows ratings are a crucial aspect to consider when choosing impact-resistant windows for your home. By understanding the different ratings and evaluating the strength and performance of the windows, you can ensure that your home is protected from the potential damage and harm caused by severe storms and hurricanes. These impressive windows are specifically designed to withstand high winds and flying debris, making them an essential aspect of home safety.

By calling East Coast Windows about hurricane windows, you are taking a proactive step in ensuring the safety and protection of your home and loved ones. You will rest easy knowing that your home is equipped with windows that have been tested and rated to withstand severe weather conditions. This not only provides peace of mind, but also adds value to your home.

Choosing hurricane impact windows also adds to the visual appeal of your home. With a wide range of styles, colors, and finishes to choose from, you will find the perfect windows to complement the look of your home. Make an investment in the safety and security of your home and family by choosing East Coast Windows. With superior performance, energy efficiency, and visual appeal, hurricane impact windows are a smart choice for any homeowner.

So, why wait?

Request a free quote today or give us a call at (954) 946-3697 to start protecting your home from the potential damage and harm caused by severe weather events.

 Benefits of Installing Hurricane Resistant Impact Windows 

 Benefits of Installing Hurricane Resistant Impact Windows 

Along with its amazing beaches and weather, Florida welcomes tropical storms and hurricanes. People living in Florida are no strangers to fast-moving winds and flying debris. The severe consequences of hurricanes have prompted people to invest in impact windows and doors. The benefits of impact windows go beyond protecting you and your family members from hurricanes. We at East Coast Windows would love to share some merits of installing hurricane-resistant impact windows for your home.

1. Single Installment Cost 

Impact windows and doors are a one-time investment. Once you installed it, you have to do nothing. Well, not exactly. You have to clean it if it starts getting dusty or dirty. If you are a Floridian, you know that a hurricane does not come with an invitation. If you choose hurricane shutters, you have to manually install them when there is a hurricane warning. Additionally, you need to invest a lot of time maintaining and cleaning them. Impact windows will start protecting you within seconds after installation.

2. Hurricane Resistant 

The most important advantage of installing impact windows and doors is to protect your property from hurricanes. There are some affordable options but they are not as strong and resistant as impact windows. Impact windows and doors are designed to withstand hurricane-force winds and flying debris. It is important to remember that they are not just intended to withstand natural disasters such as hurricanes, but also for a variety of other reasons and goals.

3. Reduces Sound Pollution

Sound pollution is very irritating. If your home is near a highway or industrial area, you know the irritation caused by excessive noise. Installing impact windows is a simple approach to restricting the amount of outside noise that enters your home. Because the additional multilayer glass and super-sealed frame prevent noise and air leak, sound from the interior is contained and annoyance from your neighbors or the street is confined outside. Impact windows are close to soundproof windows.

4. Energy Efficient Investment 

When you invest in excellent impact windows and doors, it may frequently pay off more than just typical insulation since it reduces the quantity of air leaking from the house, making your home air conditioning considerably more economical. Like no other window treatment, impact windows are particularly intended to limit solar heat gain in the summer and help keep your home cool during the hottest months of the year.

5. Looks Aesthetically Appealing

If you decide to sell your home, the value of your home will increase with the impact windows installed. Each hurricane impact on windows and doors is an investment in the protection of you and your home. Rather than fixing your doors and windows every time they are damaged, it is far better to pay for them once and avoid the trouble of reconstructing them.

There is no hiding from hurricanes if you live in Florida. But there are ways you can protect yourself, your family, and your property. The best way to protect your home is by installing hurricane-resistant impact windows. If you are looking to install or upgrade new hurricane-resistant windows, East Coast Windows is the best place to go. You can get in touch with us via our online form or simply ring us at 954-545-0997.

2021 Hurricane Season Predictions

Dark omnious clouds like we may see in the 2021 Hurricane Season

Knowing what to expect this hurricane season will provide the insight needed to build a winning strategy to protect your home or business with investments like impact windows and doors. Here’s everything you need to know.

Continue reading

2021 Is A Great Year for Impact Windows

Are you planning to change your traditional windows? Impact windows are the new trend in 2021. You need to know the reasons that make it stand out and sets it apart. Most people go for the below-listed benefits:

  • You only need one installation
  • Improves energy efficiency
  • Increases protection
  • Attractive appearance
  • UV protection
  • Noise reduction

Most people buy hurricane windows because of their superior quality glass and reinforced framing. In areas like Florida, with extreme weather, you need to invest in impact windows. That is the reason Florida impact windows are the right choice.

These windows are commonly known as hurricane impact windows, and the reason is they can resist flying debris in case of hurricane winds. They have metal reinforcements in the frame and a sash with an insulated glass unit. There are numerous reasons to install impact windows in 2021 for hurricane protection.

One-time Installation

After installing the impact windows, you will not do anything else. You will avoid the hassle of putting them up and down anytime there is a hurricane. They will offer continuous protection from the time of the first installation.

Improved Energy Efficiency

There are numerous expenses during the summer; with hurricane windows, it is possible to reduce solar heat. The strategy is to retain heat in your home during the winter evening, hence a significant saving in your electric bill.

Increased Protection

When hurricane impact windows are properly installed, they guarantee maximum protection of your home. Construction is crucial to ensure that the windows have multiple glass layers that prevent any shattering or penetration. You have protection against flying debris during the hurricane and any burglary attacks. Laminated glass comes in two pieces with strong glass and a PVB interlayer. This system helps to avoid any debris penetration to your home.

Attractive Appearance

They come in beautiful appearance and will still look like regular windows. The added advantage is that they will offer protection against damaging and strong winds. Impact windows do not need to be covered, and you can still have a better view of the outside.

UV Protection

Hurricane impact windows offer protection against any UV light. This light destroys paint, artwork, fabric, and photographs. It is one reason you need the impact windows to protect your valuables from any discoloration or fading after sunlight exposure. They are the best windows for areas that experience direct sunlight all the time.

Noise Reduction

Impact windows will decrease the noise level from outside in addition to protecting the exterior of our home. In case you live by the highway or busy intersection, you will not have any issues with this kind of window. It is the easiest and affordable way to reduce any external noise. Since they are an effective protective system, many insurance companies recognize them. Insurance companies will be able to minimize their insurance premium for you to enjoy the protection.


Getting a quality impact window is not a complicated process; the challenge comes in the installation. Ensure you get a professional to enjoy the maximum benefits stated above. It will be possible to enjoy proper insulation, protection against UV, noise reduction, and all these under a single installation.

Fill out our form to request a free estimate, or call us today at 954-545-0997.