Impact Doors and Windows
Large Lanai with 5 pairs of impact window doors

And why you should have them installed in your home before the upcoming Hurricane Season.

You make sure you’re prepared for Hurricane Season every year. You upgraded to impact windows, perhaps you even have the added protection of shutters, or you might even tie down your roof when the time comes. But are you forgetting your doors?

When making sure your home is ready for Hurricane Season, all points of entry, including doorways, should land at the top of your list. Both doors and windows are the most vulnerable points of your house, but doors are all too often overlooked.

But did you know there are many other benefits to impact doors besides just hurricane protection?

Our favorite thing about our impact doors is that you can take advantage of the benefits year round instead of just when the Atlantic is active. Just a few benefits of having Impact Doors include:

Hurricane Protection and Break-in Prevention

Impact doors offer protection from both home intruders and hurricanes. Impact doors are designed to withstand impact from flying debris, making shutters optional during a hurricane, although some people like to double up for peace of mind. You can rest easy knowing that you are safely behind your impact resistant door.

Receive a Discount on Home Insurance

More often than not, when you put extra attention into protecting your home, your insurance company will reward you with a discount. Just make sure you check with your insurance company to see which discounts are available before you make your impact door purchase.

Reduced Electric Bill

The impact glass used for hurricane impact doors has a high-performance Low-E coating that deflects heat (long-wave infrared energy) instead of allowing it to pass through the glass. In a nutshell, it keeps the heat outside and the cool air inside, effectively reducing your heating and cooling bill.

Protection from Harmful UV-Rays

Just like impact glass deflects heat (see last talking point) it also deflects up to 99% of harmful UV-rays. We’ve all heard UV-Rays may cause cancer, but when it comes to your home, these harmful rays have the potential to damage your furniture, pictures, flooring, and other valuable items in your home. Filter out these harmful rays and protect your valuables.

Reduced Noise Pollution

Do you live in a noisy neighborhood? I mean, we all love hearing the sound of laughing children enjoying a great day outside from time to time, but if you live near a highway or have loud neighbors, you might want to filter some of that out when you are home. Impact doors (and windows!) are extremely effective at filtering out noise pollution, making your home that much more peaceful.

Increase Home Value

When you’re ready to move, the impact door that you enjoyed while you lived in your home will actually end up increasing the value of your property! Buyers are looking for upgrades that increase protection and energy efficiency and are willing to pay a higher price so they don’t have to end up making the upgrades themselves. So in the end, whether it’s saving your money on your electric bill or getting more when you decide to sell, impact doors (and windows!) pay off.

Are you ready to upgrade to hurricane impact doors? East Coast Windows & Doors has impact resistant french doors and sliding glass doors that can be customized to fit practically any door opening and improve the look and feel of your home.  Contact us today for a free quote.

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