What is the importance of replacing your windows? There are many reasons to replace the windows in your home. If the home is older and still has the original windows, replacing those windows can add value to the home, while cutting your energy costs.
Broken windows can increase energy bills and put your family at risk during a tropical storm or hurricane and make your home more susceptible to burglary. These windows should be replaced as soon as possible. Even if you have made repairs to the windows, the windows are weaker and break more easily when there is high winds or flying debris from a tropical storm or hurricane and can make the home more accessible to burglary. You can also experience water damage to your home, because the water can enter through the damaged window.
Having the damaged windows replaced with impact-resistant windows will provide protection for your home from high winds, flying debris and water damage during a tropical storm or hurricane. It will also help protect the home against burglary because the windows are much harder to break. The impact-resistant windows will also lower your heating and cooling energy bills and keep your furnace and air conditioning unit from having to work harder, in time saving wear and tear on the equipment.
The new windows will be better insulated than the older or damaged windows and have a tighter seal to keep air from coming in or out of the home. When the windows are installed properly and are made from the highest quality materials, they will be stronger against damages and last for years.
Proper installation of new windows is very important. The new windows will be installed with more precision that the older or damaged windows in the home. The new windows will also improve the look of the outside of the home giving it a facelift. The windows will also be easier for everyone in the family to open. Older or damaged windows can sag in their frame and make it difficult to open.
East Coast Windows & Doors specializes in impact-resistant windows and doors. They offer a free no obligation estimate for replacing old or damaged windows and will walk you through the entire installation right up to the final inspection from the city. They have an excellent sales team and trained in-house installation crews. If it is time to replace old or damaged windows in your home, give East Coast Windows & Doors a call today.