What to Expect from Hurricane Season 2022? 

 What to Expect from Hurricane Season 2022 

As all Floridians should be well aware, hurricane season is on the horizon! Hurricane season starts on June 1st, and the forecast suggests that this year’s weather will rank above average in intensity and projected hurricane numbers.

According to the latest forecast from CSU forecasters, we should expect about 19 major storms this year, among which nine of them will become hurricanes and four of them could become major hurricanes. The 2022 hurricane season will be the seventh year in a row with above-normal hurricane activity.

The names of this year’s storms are Alex, Bonnie, Colin, Danielle, Earl, Fiona, Gaston, Hermine, Ian, Julia, Karl, Lisa, Martin, Nicole, Owen, Paula, Richard, Shary, Tobias, Virgine, and Walter.

 What Does This Mean for Residents of Florida? 

It’s going to be another stormy season for Florida. If you’re new to the area and unaware of how this season goes, you’ll have to prepare for some extreme winds and rain-soaked days. Different areas are affected differently, and storms can often change course or alter their path during their journey, keeping residents on their toes. Overall, there is a 96% possibility that you will encounter at least one tropical storm this season, a 75% chance of encountering at least one hurricane, and a 44% chance of encountering at least one massive hurricane.

Besides hurricanes, the threat of flooding is also high. You have to prepare accordingly to protect yourself and your family members during and after a major storm.

How to Prepare for Hurricane Season 2022?

Don’t fear! Finding out that a hurricane is coming can be terrifying news, but if you take the proper steps to prepare yourself you can rest easy so that you, your family, and your belongings will be safe and secure.

So, what are some necessary steps you can take?

  • Install Quality Hurricane Resistant Windows: it is extremely important to protect your windows and doors; installing impact windows and doors will protect you and your loved ones from the inevitable flying debris that occurs in extreme winds and hurricane conditions. This debris can include tree branches, street signs, roofing materials, and other items left outside that essentially become flying missiles in the midst of a major storm.
  • Take Care of Your Home Exterior: If you have trees near your residence with shaky or falling branches, then now is the time to trim them. When you know a storm is coming, secure your outdoor furniture, children’s toys, potted plants, or other appliances. You can use a rope to tie them or move them inside of your house temporarily.
  • Have an Emergency Kit Ready: The strength or direction of a hurricane can sometimes change rapidly, and you might have to quickly evacuate yourself from your home. Having an emergency kit ready with important documents, jewelry, insurance papers, a first aid box, and a flashlight could come in handy.
  • Make Changes To Your Home Interior: As you are notified that a storm is approaching, it’s wise to remove valuable things that could fall from your walls such as art and paintings. Unplug your electronic appliances and turn your gas off.
  • Have an Evacuation Plan Ready: Consult with your local authority to figure out the closest hurricane shelter. Don’t forget to make arrangements for pets if you have any.
  • Download FEMA App: You can easily download the FEMA application for your mobile devices where you can gather information on weather alerts, safety tips, and resources. This app includes a configurable emergency supply checklist, maps of open shelters and rehabilitation centers, disaster survival information, and National Weather Service weather warnings.

The 2022 hurricane season is on its way, and it’s time for people on the East Coast to prepare themselves. Protect your home and loved ones by installing hurricane-resistant impact windows and doors. You can send us an email or simply call us at 954-545-0997 to learn more about our high-quality impact doors and windows.

10 Easy Steps to Protect Your Home from Hurricanes

A man who Protects Your Home from Hurricanes by installing East Coast doors.

If you live in a region where hurricanes and tropical storms are common, you already know how crucial it is to be prepared. Keeping a watchful eye on news coverage and government warnings during hurricanes is an important element of disaster preparedness. However, hurricane preparedness entails much more than merely being aware.

Let’s take a quick look at some easy steps that can help you protect your home and property from hurricanes.

1. Install Surge Protection

During a hurricane, power surges can occur suddenly, causing havoc to your appliances and gadgets. To help safeguard your property or home, install a power surge protector in your electrical panel and utilize power strips with a built-in surge protector. You might need a power source to safeguard your heating and cooling system.

2. Remove Debris

While you may not be able to clear your entire neighborhood, everything that may become an airborne projectile should be removed or secured. You should clear lawn equipment, trampoline, and other heavy tools.   

Cutting low-hanging branches, unstable shrubs, and trees can help you avoid serious injury or property damage.

3. Secure your doors with a heavy-duty bolt 

Purchase a bolt kit from a hardware shop if you believe you need extra protection for your home door. They are simple to install and will greatly improve the security of the tops and bottoms of your doors. It’s critical to keep the air out of your home, and windows and doors are vulnerable points in your home’s storm defense.

4. Upgrade Your Doors and Windows 

Impact-resistant windows and doors assist to reinforce your home’s weakest point. These unique doors and windows can resist gusts of up to 200 mph, as well as the missiles hurled at your home by the strong blowing winds. D you want to know the results? Less havoc and cleaning.

If you’re looking to update your home’s doors and windows or looking to add custom doors and windows to be hurricane resistant, East Coast is a great place to start.

5. Get a Sump Pump  

Getting a Sump Pump might not sound flashy but it’s required. Water damage should be prevented at all costs. Make sure your sump pump is operating correctly and that you have backup battery power once you have installed it properly.

Another crucial step is to double-check whether or not your sump pump is debris-free. If your sump pump is blocked, it won’t be able to drain water quickly enough to avoid damage, or the engine will burn out and stop operating when you need it the most.

6. Shutter all the Windows 

This may be essential if a large hurricane with strong winds is coming. Make sure the shutters are impact-resistant and capable of withstanding flying debris at speeds of at least 100 miles per hour. If you want to preserve your windows frame undamaged, don’t mount the shutters to it when you install them. Mount to the wall surrounding the windows instead.

7. Maintain Your Roof

Install flashing around your chimney and skylights to hold loose shingles and ensure they’re properly sealed. Category one storms have winds ranging from 74 to 95 miles per hour, which can take off your roof if it’s not properly attached. Category 5 hurricane wind speed ranges from 157 miles per hour and over which can damage your entire roof.

Your entire roof will most certainly need to be replaced if you notice curling shingles, bare patches, broken shingles, missing shingles, or leaks.

8. Bring all Furniture Inside 

If you don’t want your furniture flying in the sky, we would suggest you bring them inside. Whether your furniture is big or small, it needs to come inside. If you don’t do so, the furniture might slam your window or something. Ask your neighbors to do the same thing as well.

9. Cover Your AC 

You may also want to safeguard your outdoor air conditioning unit from flying debris and projectiles, which can cause harm if they are lodged in the unit. We advise against adopting a do-it-yourself solution like a tarp or garbage bag, which might violate your guarantee and retain moisture inside.

10. Review Your Insurance Policy 

You should examine your current insurance coverage to ensure that your most precious possessions are protected in the event of damage or loss. You should also make sure your policy covers flood insurance since any house in a storm-prone location might benefit from it.

There are numerous easy modifications you can make to your house before or after a major hurricane to reduce hazards during the next hurricane. If you’re looking to update the doors and windows of your home, contact us at  954-545-0997 or contact us via our online form.